Monday, November 9, 2009

Ext JS vs. Google Closure

Since Google released its JavaScript library Google Closure there have been quite some people wondering about how it compares to Ext JS.
Because I'm belonging to this group of people, I thought it can't hurt to try to answer this question myself.

Hello World

The entry point for getting started with a library is usually a small "Hello World" application.
I'm not impressed at all with Google Closure's Hello World example.
Not sure if it's just a bad example, or if it shows very well what the library is about.
What you basically see is a JavaScript function which creates a DOM object via a helper method (goog.dom.createDom). This function is called via the slightly inelegant unload attribute of the body tag.
Personally I think Ext JS's Hello World is a better chosen example.
It uses the standard and more elegant Ext.onReady method, which initializes JavaScript code before waiting for images and other resources. Also it uses the Ext.Window widget which gives you a nice idea how Ext JS's widgets are initialized and configured.

Widget's base classes

Ext JS's class hierarchy for UI components such as the Tree widget is:


Google Closure's class hierarchy for UI components is:

(goog.ui.tree.BaseNode) class seems to be the equivalent of Ext JS's Ext.util.Observable class, goog.Disposable and goog.ui.Component seem to be the equivalent of Ext JS's Ext.Component class.
Equivalents of the Ext.BoxComponent, Ext.Container and Ext.Panel classes, which handle components layouts, can't be found in the Google Closure's hierarchy since Google Closure seems to be missing a layout manager.

Layout manager

One of many reasons that made me a fan of Ext JS is its powerful layout manager that wasn't included in Yahoo UI's library at the time I started using Ext JS.
Google Closure doesn't seem to have a layout manager included at all, which is a big turn off for me. I couldn't live without it anymore.
Google leaves the layout part completely up to you, so you still have to hack your CSS or HTML tables right, to place your widgets where you want it to be.

Event handling

Google Closure's event handling logic is placed into the events.EventTarget class, whereas Ext JS's event handling logic can be found in the Ext.util.Observable class.
It looks like that you can only specify a handler and the event name in Google's solution.
Ext JS's solution seems to be more powerful, since you can specify optional options such as scope, delay, single, buffer and target.
Moreover I like Ext JS method names more, especially the "on" shortcut for the addListener method. Google Closure's names are addEventListener for adding listeners, and dispatchEvent for firing events, which is the equivalent of Ext JS's fireEvent method.

Documentation aka API reference

For me the Ext JS documentation in terms of look and usability is clearly superior to a lot of other open-source software projects, including Google Closure's documentation.
Google Closure's documentation browsing is a bit odd, since the class references are placed on the bottom right, which you constantly have to scroll to. The two panel solution of Ext JS's documentation definitely makes browsing easier.
The actually documentation pages for each classes don't seem to be much different then those of Ext JS or other API references.
I can't tell how helpful Google's documentation is though, since as mentioned above I haven't worked with Google Closure yet.
Ext JS's documentation has been doing a good job for me since I started using Ext JS.

Library's Age & Developer community

I don't know how long Google Closure has been existing within Google, but it just has come to see the light of the outer-Google world.
Ext JS has been out since 2007 and already built up an impressive big developer community which supposedly consists of over 500,000 developers (See statistics and history in this presentation).
You never can underestimate Google in terms of reach and brand power, but looking at Apple's iPhone vs. Google Android, a new library from Google doesn't necessarily mean that all developers will jump on it right away or ever.

Compressor aka Minifier

Besides the Google Closure library, Google released Closure Tools which includes a compiler for compressing and minifying JavaScript files.
There's a thread in the Ext JS forum where the difference in results between the Google Closure Compiler and the YUICompressor used by Ext JS are discussed.
After first tests, the well-known forum user "Condor" points out, that the output of compressing the ext-all-debug.js file with the compiler was 20 KB smaller than the output with the YUICompressor. Not sure what the YUICompressor output's file size is and if he actually tried to point out that is it much less or not. For me it sounds as that there's no big difference. Though he mentions that more optimizations may be reached when compiling the library files together with your application code files.
Follow this thread in the forum to keep an eye on this topic.
Also worth to check out is the Firebug extension Closure Inspector to debug obfuscated JavaScript code.

Ext GWT vs. Ext JS vs. Google Web Toolkit vs. Google Closure

I'm a little confused that Google now advertises Google Closure as the base library for all their AJAX applications like Gmail, since they stated before, that it's Google Web Toolkit, see Google Web Toolkit's description "Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers ...".
I wonder if Google Web Toolkit is to Google Closure what Ext GWT is to Ext JS, where GWT allows writing an application in one language (Java) using the JS library features.
Also the fact that you compile your application and can discover therefore errors before running in the browser might not be THE advantage of GWT anymore, since we have with Google Closure a pure JavaScript compiler now.


Ext JS is released under a dual license, which let's you use it in a GPL-based open-source application for free or in a closed commercial application for $329 per developer or less with volume discount.
Google Closure is freely available under the Apache License. jQuery creator John Resig apparently would have preferred the MIT license, since he just tweeted "I wish that Google Closure (the lib) was under the MIT license, can't really borrow code from it for jQuery, otherwise."
There are developers that avoid Ext JS because of the costs and license, others may choose Ext JS especially because of it and its commercial support.
The preference and choice is up to the developers and companies.
If you aren't a license expert yet, check out this comparison between the different type of licenses.

Grid widget

The reason I checked out Ext JS at the first place was that I looked for a Microsoft Excel-like grid functionality for one of my client's application.
I was instantly hooked by the Ext JS grid.
Unfortunately, Google Closure doesn't seem to have such a widget. The only feature for manipulating data in tables that I could find was the goog.ui.TableSorter class. I guess this speaks for itself. People who need powerful grid functionality such as sorting, column reordering, column resizing, data and pagination handling or fixed headers won't find that in Google Closure right now. You certainly can develop it on your own if you want to, or maybe one day there will exist a Grid widget plugin based on Google Closure.

Tree widget

The tree widget is another powerful widget, which is the reason of some people to start using a JavaScript Framework. Unlike with the grid widget, this type of widget is actually included in Google Closure. A demo can be found here. Ext JS's equivalent can be found here.
As with all examples, Ext JS provides for this widget better examples in terms of quantity, complexity and design. See all Ext JS tree examples here.
Going into the details of each tree implementation would go too far for this blog post. I only wanted to point out that there's a tree widget in Google Closure.

Examples a.k.a. demos

One thing I always liked about Ext JS are the extensive and impressive examples that they provide. See for yourself here. You pretty much can build your own Ext JS application by just searching for the functionality you need within the examples and take the code from there.
Google Closure also provides a bunch of examples here (click on the "Demo" tab on the right).
It may be due to the libraries young age or due to it current capabilities, but the examples are by far not as complete and complex as Ext JS's examples.

Usage examples a.k.a. references

Certainly, you can't beat the usage references of Google's Closure library, which is supposedly used in Gmail, Google Docs and Google Maps.
There aren't many well-known public websites that use Ext JS. Number one reason probably is that Ext JS is more used for internal applications. Ext JS definitely has an impressive client list though which you can see here.
The three best and public accessible Ext JS implementations I know of are Marketo, Zipwhip and Kohive. These applications give you a good sense of what's possible with Ext JS.

Disclaimer: Kohive is a client of mine, but that's not why I call it one of the best implementations. Take a look at it yourself. Moreover I didn't create the cool design, interface and architecture.

Default design

Ext JS's default design and template is certainly more shiny than that of Google Closure.
One problem I see with Ext JS's default design frequently is that designers and Mac users are turned off by Ext JS's Microsoft Windows-like design. As you see in the implementation examples above, it certainly can be customized to your preferences. Ext JS's 3.0 introduced some changes such as a separate structural and a visual CSS file that helps you with that.

Unit Testing

The fact that Google Closure has a namespace or package called testing sounds promising and shows that Google is taking unit testing more seriously than Ext JS.
It's certainly debatable what importance unit testing plays in an UI library, but I believe that there are definitely methods in the libraries that could and should be tested by unit tests, so this part goes to Google Closure.
Not sure how well-tested the Google Closure library is for real though.


As consumers usually win in a more competitive market, so should consumers and developers win in a more competitive JavaScript library market, as well.
I think there's no doubt that we can call Google Closure a competitor of Ext JS as Ext JS is a competitor of Google Closure. This doesn't mean that anybody has to worry here.
Ext JS is already an established company with an established product and community and a super smart team. Google also doesn't need to worry since it doesn't live from it.
Ext JS has already shown that it can live very well side-by-side with other similar and free libraries such as the YUI library.
A lot depends on how both companies keep developing, maintaining and supporting their products in the future and how Google Closure is adapted by developers.
But Google already has shown that it isn't a "killer" for everything, as some people may assume, see Google Base, Google Notebook and Google Android.

Anyways, I'm sure Google Closure is a win for the JavaScript community since there most likely are some nice goodies of JavaScript code included.
For now, Ext JS will stay my JavaScript framework of choice though.
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